Monday, August 23, 2010

What is the best treatment for acne?

I have pretty bad acne (mainly on my cheekbones and forehead - basically just around my hairline). I shower daily, so my hair isn't oily and I wash my face twice a day... but it STILL won't go away! Is there ANYTHING anyone can recommend??? I'm tired of having my face look this way!

Oh... I'm also fifteen.... if that could have anything to do with it.What is the best treatment for acne?
a good brand is called terminator 10? i think

it's an orange bottle and has a big silver 10 on it

it comes in a kit with four different products

it works better than proactiv because proactiv only has 2% sacylic acid ( the stuff that treats acne)

where the terminator 10 has 10%

it works great and fast

just be careful because it can dry your face out because its so strong

and don't be surprised if at first your acne gets worse, thats just all the dirt coming to the surface

you can get it at walmart

hope this helps!What is the best treatment for acne?
You aren't suppose to wash your face twice a day because it removes your natural oil which can cause irritation and lead to break outs! All you have to do is use face moisturizer every day and DO NOT TOUCH YOUR PIMPLES. Always use a soft gentle cream on your face before you go to bed and when you wake up. Soon, your pimples will be gone. If this stil isn't working, use Clean %26amp; Clear or Neutrogenia.
see a dermatologist so they can decide what the problem is. they can give you the best facial cleansers. i've had luck with cetaphil you can find it at walmart and target.
drink more water

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