Monday, August 23, 2010

Does anyone have some great acne treatments?

I've used Proactiv which didn't work for me. List treatments and home remedies that have worked for you. Thank you :)Does anyone have some great acne treatments?
i know a lot of products that work i have tried every product on the shelf you name it iv tried it. iv had acne since i was 12 not the kind that completely covers my face but pretty bad to where iv never had clear results untill now....

i have dumped hundereds of dollars and spent months and months figureing out what products creat the perfect formula for my acne...


i find having two cleansers one to cleanse regularly and one to cleanse in the shower helps

1. Biore revitalize 4-in-1 self foaming cleanser *oil-free*

2. Aveeno complection clearing *oil-free* soap bar for the



i have very oily skin so i tend not to use lotion but i have come to find out that not useing lotion after washing or whatever it is your trying to dry you acne out with can make your acne worse, your oil glands will actually work harder producing more oil to naturally hydrate and moisturize you skin which causes clogging of the pored to build more acne, using an oil free moisturizer or serum which is better for those with oily skin can cancle out the effect and help your skin when finding the right products

1. Biore Nourish *oil-free* moisturizer lotion with vitimins A/C/E

*vitimin A is an vitimin which helps heal the cause of acne which is also a majority in Accutane proscribed by dermatologists.

2. Biore restore skin boosting night serum *oil-free*

*with vitimins A/C/E/ which can also be used during the day, i find works better for a moisturizer let me tell you amazing!


1. clean and clear oil absorbing sheets*

* for men or women: blotting these on your face when ever you feel a shine greasyness or splurg of oil can take that right off your face no more napkins or tissue paper to rub the grease in!

Repair lotions for the existing pimple:

1.Persa-gel 10 tube* benzol peroxide: calm the existing pimples and medicate your pores

last but not least:

1. i have also found the nertrogina rejuvination system tool with the rejuvinating pads have exfoilated tightened and shrunk my pores so much to where sometimes i look as if i have perfect skin i cant believe it but it has helped the most in clearing my faceDoes anyone have some great acne treatments?
It's difficult to say what would work on you when I don't know what you've tried. Also everyone's skin is different and while one treatment might work miraculously on one person, it could actually make another person's acne worse.

My advice would either be to see a dermatologist. If you can't afford that, determine your skin type and get a cosmetic product that is specifically designed to treat that skin type. When I was 13 or so, I got my skin type analyzed and found a product to clear up my skin at a department store's cosmetic area. I don't know if all department stores do it but I'm pretty sure that they do.

Also, I would recommend that whatever you find, use consistantly. If the product bottle says ';use daily'; on it, don't use it one day, skip a few days, and then use it another day. Keep up with your treatments. Also, don't use the product too much. Overuse of the product can actually irritate your skin and make your acne worse.

You also might want to make some adjustments to your diet. You might want to increase your water intake to flush out the bacteria in your acne. Just make sure that you towel off whenever you sweat. Also, eat more fruits and vegetables. If you absolutely can't get that extra serving in, try adding a multivitamin if you aren't taking one already.

That's all I can think of for now. Good Luck,

Permanently Cure Your Acne

i just use clear-asil.

or whateverrrr.

but when you take off your make up at night or whenever.

use witch hazel and a cotton ball.

it helps your acne get better.

If you have an oily skin wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap.The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. If you have a dry skin honey is a great remedy for acne and pimples because the honey kills bacteria. If you have a combination skin when you wash your face, use sugar to scrub it, at least once a day, for two weeks to rid yourself of acne. More such solutions at

I use the Oil Free Acne Cleanser with Microclear Technology by Neutrogena. It's in an Orange bottle. Make sure it says ';With Microclear Technology'; on it. And always moisturize your skin if it feels tight. I use the Soft Day Moisturizer with SPF 15 by Clean and Clear.

Homemade Remedies:

Apple Zinger Facial Mask (Oily and Acne Prone Skin)

Take 1 medium size apple, grated fine, 5 tbs. honey. Mix the grated apple and honey well. Smooth over skin and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Cool as a Cucumber Yogurt Facial (Normal/Oily Skin)

1/2 cucumber

1 Tbsp plain yogurt

Puree cucumber in blender mix in yogurt, apply to face. Leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse well.

Honey Mask (Oily/Blemished Skin)

Massage a small amount of slightly heated honey onto skin and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to wash off all the honey with lukewarm water or the honey left will clog your pores, resulting in more acne. Wheat germ may be added for its abrasive action, protein and nutrients.

Pineapple Olive Oil Mask

In a blender, combine 4 large pineapple chunks or 1/2 cup canned, drained pineapple and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Blend until almost smooth. Apply mixture to face with fingertips and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse face with warm water and pat dry.

Tomato Blemish Remedy

1 tomato, ripe, chopped

1 tsp. lemon juice

1 T instant style oatmeal or old fashioned rolled oats

Blend all ingredients until just combined, in a paste. Apply to blemished skin, making sure the mixture is thick enough to stay in place. Leave in place 10 minutes. Remove with damp washcloth, and rinse and tone. Plain tomato juice can be applied for about 15-20 minutes and is the one of the best method to reduce pores and this also helps with the excess oil in the face.

Honey Yogurt Exfoliating Facial Scrub

Mix 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar with 陆 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt. Smooth the mixture over your face and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse off using lukewarm water.

Oatmeal Exfoliating Facial Scrub

Mix one pack of instant oatmeal with water to create a paste. Once the paste is formed, dab the mixture onto your entire face. Let the mixture set for approximately 2 minutes and rinse off with cold water. According to experts oily skin should be treated with an oatmeal mask to get good results. Oatmeal when mashed not only acts as a great scrub but also effectively soaks away the excess oil from your face. The usage of oatmeal paste must be followed by a cold water rinse that helps in contracting the pores.


Wash your face twice a day in warm, salty water. This helps leave your face clean and oil-free -- without employing any potentially irritating products or soaps.

Toning: Egg Whites

Using egg whites is the cheapest and easiest way to tone your skin at home. Simply separate a few raw egg whites into a bowl and apply directly on the facial skin after cleansing. Let the egg white dry for at least 15 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water for an instant glow. For acne, take one egg white and put it directly on top of the pimple for 20 minutes.


Peel and mash eight cloves of fresh garlic. Apply to face avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on for about 15 minutes. Wash off with a warm cloth.


Put toothpaste on your pimples before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel.

Baking Soda Solution

You will need 1 tbsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. water. Mix together ingredients and apply on face allowing it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water. Baking Soda is very cheap and one box will last you a very long time. You can also use baking soda as an exfoliator: be careful when applying it to your face, since it is a very effective scrub. Massage the baking soda into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds and rinse. Your face is now clear of the surface cells that will cause many acne spots.


Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl. Pour a little bit in your hand and rub it on the pimples. Soak a face towel in it and dab it on the bumps. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off.

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