I just started taking Minocycline for my acne treatment. I read that I need to use a sunscreen because minocycline can make my skin more sensitive to sunlight and sunburn. Can I use makeup that contains suncreen instead of an actual sunscreen? I'm guessing makeup containing suncreen isn't as effective, but am I really in a position where I need full-on protection from the sun??Acne treatment-makeup-suncreen... question?
Most dermatologists don't recommend you wear make-up that often when you are trying to get rid of acne. the oils from the make-up do not help.. or slow down the process.
so i suggest you buy make-up (foundation) that is ';non-comedgetic'; or ';hyperallergenic'; or that says ';won't clog pores';
sorry.. i probably spelled some words wrong..Acne treatment-makeup-suncreen... question?
depends if you usually burn or tan in the sun. if your white then deffinetly buy a sunscreen . if you tan then i doesnt matter too much
It is better to buy a sunscreen instead. The makeup usually rubs off more easily. You can also try a sunscreen in you moisturizer. This absorbs more easily into the skin and gives you a good protection. I am currently use a product that also needs me to use spf and I wear a moisturizer with spf. I wear Philosophy and Clinique has some great well as well.
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